Build a business that puts your health and wellbeing FIRST, even if you have a chronic illness. If I did it, so can you! Weekly freelancing, health and lifestyle tips, straight to your inbox.
What's up, Reader, You're getting this email on Tuesday this week because I took some time off last week, and it kind of rolled over into Monday. I'm sure you don't mind, right? 🤷♀️ That's freelancer life. Anyway, a while back I sent an email around supporting your brain FIRST in order to work on other areas of your health, business, productivity, etc. Because it all starts with your brain power. If you're feeling lethargic, or brain foggy, or unfocused, you won't have the drive to focus on the other stuff that's going to move you forward. Like cooking healthy meals, or exercising, or setting up your LLC, or pitching clients. It all starts with your brain. (... And your gut, but we're kind of feeding two birds with one scone here, you'll see.) And more than just about anything else, your brain needs healthy fats. That includes saturated and polyunsaturated fats. Depending on who you listen to, you might have heard either of these types of fats demonized, but you actually need both for brain health. Saturated fats come from sources like butter, ghee, coconut oil, and animal fat, while polyunsaturated fats (omega-3, 6, & 9) come from plant-based sources like flaxseed, nuts, sunflower seed, safflower, soy, and also eggs. Then you have monounsaturated fats like olive oil and avocado. Your brain needs all of these types of fats to thrive. The trick is finding the right sources. Most grocery store oils are extremely toxic to your brain and cells, like vegetable oil, canola oil, sesame oil, even most olive oil brands. They are heat treated, chemically processed, and when you ingest them they act like toxic substances your body has to fight against, instead of the building blocks your brain needs to thrive. Plus, these toxic oils are in just about every processed food on the market, even the "healthy ones." 😬 Now, I'm not saying you have to meticulously avoid every processed oil out there, it's pretty difficult, especially if you're eating out. But you can invest in high quality fats and oils that you use every day at home that will support your brain and you can feel good about. Here are some of my go-to's:
If you're unused to investing in your groceries, I would start here, with the healthy fats. See how they make you feel over time. I bet you'll notice a difference. Is this kind of thing helpful to you, Reader? I love talking about food and nutrition, but I know it's individual for everyone. This is just what I've found works for me so far. Let me know if you try anything from the list above and how you like it! 😋😋😋, Amanda
Build a business that puts your health and wellbeing FIRST, even if you have a chronic illness. If I did it, so can you! Weekly freelancing, health and lifestyle tips, straight to your inbox.